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Modules and packages

Common modules that are CDF project wide and shared by other modules.
Modules that define a distinct capability or feature.
Example modules that contain example data or that can be copied and used as a starting point for new modules.
Experimental modules that are not ready for production use, but that can be used for experimentation and exploration.

This is an overview of the Cognite official modules and packages. The modules have their files in a public repository where you can also contribute improvements and new modules.

DATA_MODEL_EXAMPLESA tutorial to start using data models
cdf_auth_readwrite_allDefault access group for the cdf-tk tool.
cdf_oid_example_dataExample data from Open Industrial Data.
cdf_apm_simple_data_modelSimplified example data model for Asset Performance Management (APM) use cases.
CDF_DEMO_INFIELDA fully working demo for Infield with sample data
cdf_auth_readwrite_allDefault access group for the cdf-tk tool.
cdf_oid_example_dataExample data from Open Industrial Data.
cdf_apm_baseBasic data models for Asset Performance Management (APM) projects, including Infield and Maintain.
cdf_infield_commonCommon configurations for Infield that are only needed once per CDF project.
cdf_infield_location ⓂⒺPer location configurations necessary when setting up a new location for Infield.
cdf_data_pipeline_asset_valhall ⓂⒺA package that implements a data pipeline ingesting data into RAW tables ready for transformations into asset hierarchy and data models.
CDF_INFIELDProduction-ready package for Infield
cdf_auth_readwrite_allDefault access group for the cdf-tk tool.
cdf_apm_baseBasic data models for Asset Performance Management (APM) projects, including Infield and Maintain.
cdf_infield_commonCommon configurations for Infield that are only needed once per CDF project.
cdf_infield_location ⓂⒺPer location configurations necessary when setting up a new location for Infield.
EXAMPLE_PUMPExample data models that extend the core Asset data model
example_pump_asset_hierarchyRAW data tables, data set, and transformation to load pump data into asset hierarchy.
cdf_asset_source_modelExample extended Asset data model for the pump asset hierarchy extending the core Asser data model.
example_pump_data_modelExample Pump and LiftStation data models extending the extended Asset.
WITHOUT PACKAGEModules that are not part of a package
cdf_functions_dummyExample module for deploying Cognite Functions.
Older versions of the templates

The above module documentation links are to the latest released versions of the modules. If you have an older version of the templates in your project, you will find the correct module documentation in the file in the root directory of the module in the cognite_modules/ directory of your project.