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Get started with Seismic SDK

Limited availability

The features described in this section are currently only available to selected customers.


To install the seismic SDK package:

pip install cognite-seismic-sdk

Client setup and authentication

All data in CDF are stored in a CDF tenant identified by a project name. To specify the project or tenant to work on, set the COGNITE_PROJECT environment variable or use the project keyword argument to the CogniteSeismicClient constructor.

The preferred way to authenticate against the Cognite API is by using an OpenID Connect (OIDC) token. Microsoft provides their authetication library (MSAL) that helps generating tokens.

To install the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) package:

pip install msal

To create a new authenticated CogniteClient:

def get_client():
from cognite.seismic import CogniteSeismicClient

def login_and_get_token_supplier(base_url, tenant_id, client_id):
from msal import PublicClientApplication

authority = '' + tenant_id
app = PublicClientApplication(client_id=client_id, authority=authority)
scopes = [base_url + '.default']
account = app.get_accounts()[0]
except IndexError:
account = app.get_accounts()[0]
except IndexError:
raise Exception('No accounts returned after Azure AD login. Check permissions?')
print(f"Logged in as {account['username']}")

def tokenmaker():
return app.acquire_token_silent(account=account, scopes=scopes)['access_token']

return tokenmaker

base_url = '<base_url>'
tenant_id = '<tenant_id>'
client_id = '<client_id>'
project = '<project>'

tokenmaker = login_and_get_token_supplier(base_url, tenant_id, client_id)
return CogniteSeismicClient(base_url=base_url, project=project, oidc_token=tokenmaker)

client = get_client()

Next steps

See the SDK reference documentation to learn more about the Seismic SDK.