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Cognite developer documentation

Get familiar with the open API and SDKs and explore their features to learn how you can use Cognite Data Fusion to:

  • Retrieve data from different data sources and make it available as one complete data set in the cloud.

  • Add layers of context for deeper analytics and real-time insights into your data.

  • Develop applications and machine learning models that match your operational needs.

Try it now

Follow the development quickstart to get up and running with Cognite Data Fusion in a few simple steps. And don't worry if you don't have your own project and data yet. You can use an API key and data from the Open Industrial Data project - a live industrial data stream - to start learning.


Cognite Data Fusion is designed to integrate seamlessly with your existing equipment and infrastructure, and to provide you with full visibility and control of your data. Your data is always your own.